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Heav'n have mercy here upon us!
only He can ſave us now.

On the lee-beam is the land, boys,
let the guns o'er board be thrown;
To the pump come ev'ry hand boys,
ſee her mizzen-maſt is gone.
The leak, we’ve found, it cannot pour faſt,
we’ve light’ned her a foot and more;
Then up and rig a jury foremaſt,
ſhe’s tight, ſhe’s tight, boys, we’re off ſhore.

Now once more, on joys we're thinking,
ſince kind Fortune ſav’d our lives:
Come, the cann, boys, let's be drinking,
to our ſweethearts and our wives.
Fill it up, about ſhip wheel it,
clofe to the lips the brimmer join,
Where’s the tempeſt now? Who ſee’s it?
none—our danger’s drown’d in wine.


HARD was my lot to be diſplay'd,
by Cupid’s cruel arrow;
Since I’m oblig’d to go to ſea,
I go in grief and ſorrow.
Now from your arms I muſt away,
Peggy take my heart a keeping,
May the Pow’rs above protect my love,
till our next happy meeting.

Falſe information, my dear jewel,

proved our ſeparation,