Page:Tennysoniana (1879).djvu/219

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Important Works



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ACROSTICS, a Hundred new, on Old Subjects, written by Two Poor Women, with a Preface by Mrs. GREVILLE. 12mo, 2s 6d

ACROSTICS.—Corn and Chaff, or Double Acrostics. Square 12mo, frontispiece, cloth, gilt leaves, 3s 6d

ALTAR SERVICE.—The Second Year of the Reign of King Edward VI.; the Altar Service of the Church of England for that Year, with that of the Third Year, 1549. Edited by W. J. BLEW. 16mo, 1s 6d

BALL (F. J.) S. Augustine upon Fasting Communion. 8vo, 6d.

——— Our Fears and our Confidence, a Sermon at S. Lawrence's, Reading, June 26th, 1877. 8vo, sewed, 6d

BAYNE (EMILY) Sighs of Hope. (Verse.) 12mo, 3s

BELANEY (R.) Mr. Gladstone Himself Reviewed and Analysed. Crown 8vo, sewed, 2s

BISHOPS.—Are the Bishops Mad? a Letter to the Rt. Hon. J. Bright, by a CLERGYMAN. 8vo, 1s

BLEW (W.) Privy Council Infallibility; the Mere Mistake in the Knightsbridge Judgment, excused by Mr. Fremantle, explained by Dr. Cardwell, exposed by WM. BLEW. 8vo, sewed, 1s

BONN RE-UNION.—Report of the Proceedings of the Re-Union Conference held at Bonn (1875), translated from German, with a Preface by CANON LIDDON, edited by M. MACCOLL. Crown 8vo, 3s 6d