Page:Tennysoniana (1879).djvu/220

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BLAKE (WILLIAM) Poems: comprising Songs of Innocence and of Experience, together with Poetical Sketches and some Copyright Poems not in any other Edition. 12mo, 2s 6d

"The songs only require to be known to be loved with a tenderness and enthusiasm which it is not given to many poets to arouse."—The Saturday Review.

"The admirers of W. Blake as a poet and they are rapidly increasing in number owe much to Mr. Pickering for this reprint."—Notes and Queries.

——— Songs of Innocence and Experience, new edition, printed from the text of the Original Volumes published in 1789 and 1794, with Miscellaneous Poems, now first printed from the Author's MSS. 12mo, 45

——— Poetical Sketches. Now first reprinted from the Original Edition of 1783, with a short Critical Preface. 12mo, 3s 6d

"A charming reprint of a most musical and dainty little book of songs. Turn where we will, throughout its hundred pages, we are sure to light on something that sparkles up into the light, as the sound of rippling water, the songs of birds, amid the breath of spring."—The Standard.

BOOKER (E.) Parthenia, a Drama. 12mo, 3s

BOURNE (V.) Poems, Latin and English, with Memoir and Notes by the Rev. J. MITFORD. 12mo, printed with ornamental head and tail pieces, cloth, 5s

Kept in various styles of binding.

"I love the memory of Vinny Bourne; I think him a better Latin poet than Tibullus, Propertius, Ausonius, or any of the writers in his way, except Ovid, and not at all inferior to him."—COWPER.

"Vincent Bourne's Latin translations in sweetness of numbers and elegant expression are at least equal to the originals, and scarce inferior to anything in Ovid or Tibullus."—DR. BEATTIE.

BRITTLEBANK (W.) Persia during the Famine of 1872, a Personal Narrative of Travel in the East. Crown 8vo, frontispiece, 7s 6d

"It is long since we have read a book of travel with so much satisfaction as that of Mr. Brittlebank's short narrative affords."—The Examiner.

"These pages evince the adventurous spirit of a true traveller."—The Athenæum.

BURIAL SERVICE.—The Order for the Burial of the Dead. 16mo, printed in red and black front the sealed Copy of the Book of Common Prayer. In limp cloth, for the use of '" Mourners" £2 10s per hundred.

This little book can be made to answer the purpose of a memorial card by having the name of the departed person printed on the back of the title.