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realized, then I understood, and at my death I wrote this Testament to the children of Israel, and gave it to them, so that they might know the powers of the demons and their shapes, and the names of their angels, by which these angels are frustrated. And I glorified the Lord God of Israel, and commanded the spirit to be bound with bonds indissoluble.

67. And having praised God, I commanded another spirit to come before me; and there came before my face another demon, having in front the shape of a horse, but behind of a fish. And he had a mighty voice, and said to me: "O King Solomon, I am a fierce spirit of the sea, and I am greedy of gold and silver. I am such a spirit as rounds itself and comes over the expanses of the water of the sea, and I trip up the men who sail thereon. For I round myself into a wave[1], and transform myself, and then throw myself on ships and come right in on them. And that is my business, and my way of getting hold of money and men. For I take the men, and whirl them round with myself, and hurl the men out of the sea. For I am not covetous of men's bodies, but cast them up out of the sea so far. But since Beelzeboul, ruler of the spirits of air and of those under the earth, and lord of earthly ones, hath a joint kingship with us in respect of the deeds of each one of us, therefore I went up from the sea, to get a certain outlook[2] in his company.

68. "But I also have another character and rôle. I metamorphose myself into waves[3], and come up from the sea. And I show myself to men, so that those on earth call me Kuno[s]paston[4], because I assume the human form. And my name is a true one. For by my passage up into men, I send forth a certain nausea. I came then to take counsel with the prince Beeleeboul; and he bound me and delivered me into thy hands. And I am here before thee because of this seal, and thou dost now torment me[5]. Behold now, in two or three days the spirit that converseth with thee will fail, because I shall have no water."

69. And I said to him: "Tell me by what angel thou art frus-
  1. Cp. Jude 13 κύματα ἄγρια θαλάσσης ἐπαφρίζοντααἰσχήνας. That Jude here indulges in no mere metaphor is clear from the words which follow: ἀστέρες πλανῆται, which embody the belief detailed in the Testament of Solomon, p. 40.
  2. σκέψιν? σκῆψιν, "descent, or spiritual assault."
  3. Reading κύματα for καύματα.
  4. Cf. Pliny, Nat. Hist. 24. 74 "Cynosbaton, alii Cynospaston, alii neurospaston vocant; folium habet vestigio hominis simile. Fert et uvam nigram, in cuius acino nervum habet, undo neurospastos dicitur." The human form revealed itself in the footstep, which the leaf resembled.
  5. βασανίζεις. Cp. Matt. viii. 6, 29; xiv. 24; Mark v. 7.