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trated." And he answered: "By Iameth." And I glorified God. I commanded the spirit to be thrown into a phial along with ten jugs of sea-water of two measures each[1]. And I sealed them round above with marbles and asphalt and pitch in the mouth of the vessel[2]. And having sealed it with my ring, I ordered it to be deposited in the Temple of God. And I ordered another spirit to come before me.

70. And there came before my face another enslaved[3] spirit, having obscurely the form of a man, with gleaming eyes, and bearing in his hand a blade. And I asked: "Who art thou?" But he answered: "I am a lascivious[4] spirit, engendered of a giant man who died in the massacre in the time of the giants." I said to him: "Tell me what thou art employed on upon earth, and where thou hast thy dwelling."

71. And he said: "My dwelling is in fruitful places, but my procedure is this. I seat myself beside the men who pass along among the tombs, and in untimely season I assume the form of the dead; and if I catch any one, I at once destroy him with my sword. But if I cannot destroy him, I cause him to be possessed with a demon, and to devour his own flesh, and the hair to fall off his chin." But I said to him: "Do thou then be in fear of the God of heaven and of earth, and tell me by what angel thou art frustrated." And he answered: "He destroys me who is to become Saviour, a man whose number[5], if any one shall write it on his forehead[6], he will defeat me, and in fear I shall quickly retreat. And, indeed, if any one write this sign on him, I shall be in fear." And I Solomon, on hearing this, and having glorified the Lord God, shut up this demon like the rest.

72. And I commanded another demon to come before me. And there came before my face thirty-six spirits, their heads shapeless like dogs, but in themselves they were human in form; with faces of asses, faces of oxen, and faces of birds. And I Solomon, on hearing and seeing them, wondered, and I asked them and said: "Who are you?" But they, of one accord with one voice, said[7]: "We are the thirty-six elements, the world-rulers[8] of this darkness. But, O King Solomon, thou wilt not wrong us nor imprison us, nor lay command on us; but since the Lord God has given thee authority over every spirit, in the air, and on the earth, and under the earth, therefore do we also present ourselves before thee like the other spirits, from ram and bull, from
  1. δοχὰς δέκα ἀναμετρητῶν β. Cp. John ii. 6 χωροῦσαι ἀνὰ μετρητὰς δύο ἢ τρεῖς.
  2. ἀγγείου for ἀγγέλου.
  3. καταδουλισμένον
  4. ὀχικόν. See 1 Mos. vi. 4.
  5. στοιχεῖον
  6. Rev. ix. 4; xiii. 16, 17.
  7. ὁμοθυμαδὸν μιᾷ φωνῇ: Acts ii. 1.
  8. κοσμοκράτορες. Cp. Paul, Eph. vi. 12; Origen, c. Celsum, viii. 58.