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ducted by his heart. What have we to fear from a heart that loves us . We will , then , desire nothing but what he pleases; we will not complain of losses, sickness, troubles, & c . The name and the nature of these things are changed as they pass through the hands of God . What the world calls misfortune, affliction, dishonour, is an advantage, a grace ,and a favour from heaven , when considered in the order of Providence .

[ Renounce your own will, and beg of God that his may be accomplished in you .]

“ Be it so , Father , because it is thy will ” (Matt. xi . ).

" He is pleasing to God , to whom God is pleasing ” ( St. Austin ).


1. God is the greatest parent of mankind : our Lord Jesus Christ has taught us to call him Father . Not a hair can even fall from our heads without his knowledge. His providence reaches from end to end , disposing all things sweetly. What madness, therefore, to doubt of his protection , or be slow in trusting ourselves to his guidance .

2. The insects are an object of his care , how much more we, who are created to his image, and redeemed by the blood of his only begotten Son ? If God feed the infidel who knows not him - if he heap favours on the impious, by whom he is blasphemed, what will he not do for Christians who honour and love him ?

3. Our affairs are much better off, when in his hands, than they can be in our own ; let us, therefore, leave them all at his disposal . He is at the same time our Father and our Creator. The tenderness he has for his children obliges him to take care of them . He has promised us his protection --- he will then be as good as his word. Sooner shall the heavens and the earth be destroyed, than that man should perish who places his confidence in God .

[Examine your heart, and see whether your confidence be worthy of the goodness of God , and the merits of Jesus Christ. ]

" Thou art my God ; my lot is in thy hands” (Psalm xxx.).

“ Throw yourself upon him ; he will not withdraw to let you fall ” ( St. Austin ).


1. God has loved us to such a degree as to give us his only Son . Had he any thing better , he would have given it to us . Is it not buying our love too dearly to purchase it at such a rate ?

A trifling bounty from a fellow - creature is entitled to our love ? Why , then , shall we not love a bounty that is infinite ? What! doth its being infinite render it less amiable ?

2. God has strictly enjoined us to love him ; is a commandment rigorous, which orders us to love what is infinitely worthy of our affections ? He commands us to love him with all our heart ; is a heart so small as mine too much for a God so great ? But in saying all, he admits of no exception . Whatever share I give him , if I give him not all , I give him nothing .

3. If eternity could have an end , the torments of the damned in hell , even to the day of judgment , would not be too much to