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obtain his heavenly love. There is not one of these miserable souls that would not think itself happy, provided, after ages of suffering, it could love that infinite beauty. We can love God

if we please; every moment invites us to it. Not to do so, while it can be done, is a monstrous insensibility. [ Disclaim every love but that of God alone, and endeavour to love him above all things . ]

“ If I have not charity I am nothing” (1 Cor. xiii.).


1. Nothing was ever purchased at so dear a rate as my soul. A divine life was given to redeem it. I deserved hell - justice cried out for punishment, but Christ would listen only to the emotions of his heart; it pleaded in my behalf, and I obtained forgiveness. If I return him not life for life, the least I can do is to return him love for love.

2. The dog that I feed, watches, caresses, and attends me. Jesus has given his blood for me, and continues to give me himself, yet I am still insensible. Learn, then, ungrateful soul - learn, I say, thy duty from a brute! thy dog is thy teacher and thy judge. If his example reform not thy heart, thou art more brutal than he is.

3. We can feel for our friends; we are not insensible of the good they do us; we pique ourselves upon gratitude. Shall we, then, be" ungrateful only to Christ? Shall he alone find us hard-hearted? Had we ever a friend that sacrificed himself for us?

[ Beg the love of Jesus from Jesus himself . Without his grace we shall never be able to love him .]

" If any one love not the Lord Jesus, let him be accursed” (1 Cor . vi. ).

" If I belong to him entirely for having created me, what shall I add for having been redeemed, and redeemed in so excellent a manner” ( St. Bernard ).


1. If we love not our neighbour, we cannot love God. Whaever good we do, is to no purpose, if we do not love our brethren. Even martyrdom itself will not avail us without charity.

2. “This is my commandment,” said Jesus, "that you love one another as I have loved you." Had mankind nothing else than Christ's love to endear them, they are objects of esteem for that very reason. Since our Saviour has loved them, shall we refuse to do so?

3. Do we love all men as Christ has loved them? Do we thirst for their salvation as he did? Do we do by them as we would be done by?

[ Excite yourself to love those whom our Lord Jesus Christ has loved so tenderly; firmly purpose to promote their salvation, and never do what may offend against charity.]