Russian paraffine oil) at night. Visit the closet regularly after each meal to train the bowels. When a "call" is experienced respond immediately. Five minutes may postpone action indefinitely. Support the feet on a stool before the closet seat.
56. For a cold, take an electric light or other sweating bath on retiring; drink three quarts of water or weak lemonade daily and eat little but fruit for a day or two; and stay out of doors. Live in the fresh air and avoid colds.
57. If sleepless or nervous, take a warm bath at 102° F. for one or two minutes, then cool to 93° to 95°; continue half an hour to two hours if necessary. This rarely fails.
58. If "bilious," take several enemas until the bowels are thoroughly emptied. Drink two or three quarts of water daily. Eat freely of fresh fruits and green vegetables. Avoid fats almost wholly for a few days, and diminish the amount of fats in the regular diet. Discard milk. Make the bowels move three or four times a day by the use of bran, Colax, or Para-lax, or all three, if necessary. Use besides if required a daily enema at 80° F.
59. The best foods in the order of excellence: Fresh, ripe fruits, cooked fresh fruits, cooked dried fruits, nuts, graham bread, rice, zwieback,