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Page:The Acts and Monuments of John Foxe Volume 3.djvu/145

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The 11. article is this, that is put to me, that I should haue said: That it is not in the power of anie prelate of what euer priuate religion, to graunt letters of the good deedes of their order, ne such benefices grauntet profits not to hele of soules to hem that they ben grauntet to.

Answer.I said neuer thus in these termes; but thus I say with protestation: That prelates of priuate religion mowen graunt; letters of the good deedes of her order; but the gostly mede that comes of good deedes, they mow not graunt, for that is onelie propriet to God. And if they blinde the people in misbeliefe for her worldlie winning,Good deeds of the order profit nothing. wittinglie behetting hem of her owne graunt ghostly medes in heauen by her letters and her seale (vncertaine, who shall be dammed), but make the people bolder to sinne by trust of her praiers: hit is none heal to the soules, but harmes to that one and to that other. 'For God shall yeld to echone after here werks:' 'Ipse reddet vnicuique secundum opera sua.'

12. Article.The 12. article is this, that our bishop puts to me: That I many times and oft haue come (he saies) to a desert wood, cleped Derwoldswode, of his dioces: and there, in a chappell not hallwood, but accurset shepheardes hulke,[1] by mine owne follie, haue presumed to sing (but rather to curse) in contempt of the keies.

Answer.Hereto I say, that this is falsly put vpon me of hem that told you this. For it is a chappell where a priest sings certaine daies in the yeare, with great solemnitie: and certes I neuer song therein seth I was borne into this world.

13. Article.The 13. article is this: That I should also presume to sing in an unhallowet chappell, that stonds in the parke of Newton, besides the towne of Leyntwardy, of this same dioces.

Truely I wot not vhere that place stonds.

14. Article.The 14. article is this: That I should say that no man owes to sweare for anie thing, but simply withouten oth to affirme or to denie; and if he sweare he sinnes.

Answer.This article said I not, that I haue mind of, in this maner: but oft I haue said and yet will, that men should not sweare by anie creature by the law of God, and that no man should sweare in idel, as welnigh all the people vseth. To swear by no creature.And therefore me thinkes it is no neede to comfort the people in swearing; for from the olde vnto the yong, and namely men of holie church, breken his heste, and few bishops pursuen hem therefore.

15. Article.The 15. article is this: That I should haue taught to true men of Christ, that on no maner they should worship the image of him that was done on the crosse, or the image of the blessed mayd his mother, or of other saints into honour and worship of the same ordeinet in ye mind of them. And oft sithes, ye worshipper of such image he has reprouet, saying, and stronglie affirming, that churchmen sinnen and done idolatrie.

Answer.This conclusion haue I not said in these termes. But this I say with protestation, that God commaundes in his lawe in divers places. (Exod. 20. Leuit. 19. and 26. Deut. 5. and 7. Tobiæ 1. Baruc. 6. 2. ad. Corin. 10. Esay 45. lere 2.6. 8. and 10.22. and vltimo, Sapient. 13. 14.and 15. Mac. 5. and Threnorum 4. and postremo), that men should not worshippen grauen images that ben werkes of mens hands:Images not to be worshipped. and also he bids that men should not make to hem grauen images in likenesse of the things that ben in heauen, to that end to worshippen hem: sethen neither God ne Christ by his manhood gaue neuer commandement to make these images, ne expresse counsell, ne his apostles in all his lawe, ne to worship such that bene made. But well I wote, that by mens owne relation that haue misbelieuet in hem, that many men sinnen in maumetrie worshipping such dead images: notforthy,[2] to the men bene images good to whom they haue bene but kalendars, and through the sight of hem they knowen the better and worshippen oft God and his saints. And to such men they done harme that setten her hope and trust in hem or done any worship to hem against Gods law and his heste. Vnde ait Gregorius, in Registro, libro. 10., in epistola ad Serenum Episcopum. 'Si quis imagines facere voluerit, minimè prohibe: adorare omnino prohibe. Sed hoc solicitè fraternitas tua admoneat, vt ex visione rei gestæ, ardorem compunctionis percipiant, vt in adoratione totius Trinitatis posternantur.'

These conclusions, points, and articles that I have, vnder protestation, in this booke affirmed, I will stand by hem, and maintaine hem (with the grace of Almightie God) to the time that the contrarie be prouet duelie by Gods law:
  1. Dr. Sheptor.
  2. "Notforthy," that is notwithstanding.