( 82 )
product is eighty-four, which is the area. Here is the figure:
The third species is that of the obtuse-angled triangle with one obtuse angle and sides of different length. For instance, one side being six, another five, and the third nine. The area of such a triangle will be found by means of the height and of the point from which a line representing the same arises. This point can, within such a triangle, lie only in its longest side. Take therefore this as the basis for if you choose to take one of the short sides as the basis, then this point would fall beyond the triangle. You may find the distance of this point, and the height, in the same manner, which I have shown in the acute-angled triangle; the whole computation is the same. Here is the figure:
We have above treated at length of the circles, of their qualities and their computation. The following (62) is an example: If a circle has seven for its diameter, then it has twenty-two for its circumference. Its area you find in the following manner: Multiply the moiety