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The Anatomy of Tobacco

ginning of time. But notwithstanding the force of this argument Dummerkopfius does not hesitate to pronounce it "crassa et putida æquivocatio, et nihil amplius"—a crass and putid equivocation, and nothing more.

On the other hand, those who affirm that it is impossible that a pipe should ever cease to exist argue as follows:—That which exists cannot cease to exist (since matter is indestructible). A pipe exists! therefore a pipe is indestructible, whence, combining these two conclusions, we determine that pipes have neither a beginning nor ending, which determination cannot fail to produce a calm and equable habit of the mind. For example, yesterday, having the wherewithal, thou didst buy a meerschaum, cunningly and rarely adorned, as if from the very hands of Dædalus, giving, in exchange for it, much gold. And to-day, meeting a friend, in the pride and joy of thine heart thou didst, without delay, pull it forth to exhibit it, and have much honour thereby. But, alas! it slipped from thine hands,