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The Anatomy of Tobacco

from the tobacco it would be the same to the one as to the other. And again, you will hear the same man express different opinions at different times concerning the qualities of the very same tobacco; but if there existed any real savour in the tobacco itself this could not possibly be the case. So this nicotinic virtue is plainly a concept or notion of the mind, and in that manner really existing, but as it is vulgarly conceived to exist (namely, not in the mind, but in tobacco), it exists not at all. But these doctrines are so far harmless in that they do not advise the abjuration of smoking, but only regard it in a new and mysterious light, and so may be admired for their ingenuity without fear of any practical consequence. Yet they are to be condemned for obscurity and mistiness of expression, and are therefore not to be studied save by solid and profound doctors of Pipe Philosophy.

Such, in brief outline, are the two principal schools of sceptics, the one headed by the sometime Professor of Gotham, and becoming degraded to the base mate-