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The Anatomy of Tobacco

rialism of snuffing and chewing, and the other diverging into a mystic idealism, or notional philosophy, which, albeit not nocent, is yet wanting in basis, and so not worthy of any high laudation. And now, since I have traced from its origin and dim dawnings this Disciplina Tabulata, or Pipe Philosophy, expounding, anatomising, and dividing it on my way, rendering plain things dark and dark things plain, I may declare with Naso, Hoc opus exegi. Fessæ date serta carinæ. Contigimus portum, quo mihi cursus erat; or with Tully, using less tropical adornment, Adducta ad exitum quæstio est. And so, most stubborn and undaunted reader, I bid thee farewell, wishing thee half as much pleasure in the reading as I have had in the writing, which in truth has not been a little.

Ohe jam satis est, ohe Libelle
Jam pervenimus usque ad umbilicos.