Page:The Ancient Science of Numbers by Luo Clement (1908).pdf/121

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not reach, and there are no depths of iniquity to which it might not descend. At the same time, a 2 through 11 cannot afford to offend against divine law, for, despite the strength of the personal will, dire penalties are certain to follow the violations of the laws of right, justice, and love. In the case of Napoleon Bonaparte this is the intense condition in life, for not only is the 2 out of harmony with the birth number, 6, but there is not a single letter in the name that is in concord with the name symbol; or even in the Triad of 2–4–8. The Cornerstone, “N,” is in every respect a material letter, and, being in such direct opposition to the 2 through 11, would carry the undercurrent of its most undesirable qualities, including jealousy, hatred, spite, intrigue, etc. The “A” which follows would furnish the element of great change, for which Napoleon’s life was distinguished. It also provides the ability to plan and direct. The “P,” when in this position, would