Page:The Ancient Science of Numbers by Luo Clement (1908).pdf/122

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make one impatient at restriction, and would give aspirations to leadership, and originality, even to eccentricity. “O” duplicates the characteristics of the birth number, 6, while “L” brings the tendency towards breadth and expansion in many directions, executive ability and power in leadership. The tendency of “L” is to gather and retain material things, but, in this name, this quality would be opposed by the vibrations of the “E” that follows it. Thus, in the case of Napoleon, it was during the Cycle of “L” that he attained the height of his power. He began his decline towards the close of the Cycle, however, and the advent of the disintegrating effects of the “E” Cycle brought Waterloo, St. Helena, and death.

AUGUSTUS Thomas: Name 21, or 3. Birth 8, (8 Jan. 1859).

The law of 8 is to create, to complete, to fulfill. It is sympathetic, even to the extent of attracting the confidences