Page:The Ancient Science of Numbers by Luo Clement (1908).pdf/124

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in this name. This would tend to make the bearer extremely hopeful in temperament, or one not easily discouraged. If the discordant influence of the Cycle of the first “S” has been successfully withstood, such a person should enjoy uninterrupted good health until, at least, the sixty-third year. The Cycle of “G” would bring intensity to the power of completion; additional intellectuality, and a love for the study of the occult. The “T” is rich in intellectuality, but has no middle ground. It is righteous, or the contrary. Such a letter is apt to bring out the dictatorial qualities, or the strong desire to control others. “S,” the Capstone, like the Cornerstone, is a 1, although more intense in its degree of spirituality. To live the Cycle of “S” harmoniously, one must assume the position of love, peace, and benefaction towards all things.