Page:The Ancient Science of Numbers by Luo Clement (1908).pdf/123

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of friends. It is sufficient unto itself; is introspective; is happy and confident in disposition; not easily convinced, nor subject to quick changes of opinion. In the name, the Triad of 3–6–9 holds the characteristics which would enable the bearer to excel as a speaker, or writer given to work capable of exerting a wide influence in the world. Such a person would probably be a good talker; a capable designer, and one able to exert considerable executive ability. The Cornerstone, “A,” would furnish the power of beginning many things, while the birth number, 8, would impel him to finish them. The “U” Intensifies all the characteristics of the name number, 3, asserting the same universal spirit, the same necessity for a multiplicity of interests. It would also give generously, though justly, asking recognition for all its kindnesses, with the loss of strength in the desire to give when such appreciation was withheld. It will be noticed that the “U” occurs three times