Page:The Ancient Science of Numbers by Luo Clement (1908).pdf/51

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of the two vibrations is very similar, a run of twenty-seven years under precisely the same conditions does not tend towards either health or happiness, especially when these vibrations are adverse to “Anne.”

Students of human nature who are close observers will be quick to recognize the influence of the Cycles upon the life of both men and women. For example, one who is under the Cycle of “A” will show great aversion for anything that is dark—dark colors, dark rooms, etc. Suddenly this taste changes. From bright colors this person will go into dark colors. He may demand that his room be papered in darker tints. Even his thoughts may assume a darker hue.

The explanation is an easy one to find when we revert to the law of Cycles. This individual has merely stepped from one Cycle into another—from a light Cycle into a dark Cycle.

It is no uncommon thing to hear people say, “I used to wear this,” “I used