Page:The Ancient Science of Numbers by Luo Clement (1908).pdf/52

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to do thus and so,” or “I used to say that, but I have changed completely, I wouldn’t think of such a thing now!” Of course, they have changed, but not in the manner which they intend to imply. The change has come, but because of the change in the Cycle. They have gone from one letter in their name into another, for, whether they realize the fact or not, the passage of each ninth year marks the completion of another Cycle.

Accordingly, in the reading of names, the value of the Cycles cannot fall to be appreciated, especially when instances are found in which the conditions of life are at variance with the law of the harmony. Thus, for example, take the name, “Jessie, born on the 8th.” As Jessie’s NAME NUMBER is 4, and her BIRTH NUMBER is 8, one would naturally expect to find harmonious conditions existing. If, however, it is found that, about the nineteenth year, she became pale, anemic, with strong objections to anything dark—