Page:The Ancient Science of Numbers by Luo Clement (1908).pdf/59

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A or 1. As “A” is the head letter, 1 should denote intellectuality, but intellectuality displayed in a most diverse manner. In fact, even when in harmony, an “A” usually requires several outlets for its energies, or as many as three “strings to its bow.” Though a planner, and often successful in organizing and directing, its ability In this direction is that of the architect. So seldom is “A” the builder that it is pretty safe to predict that others will always have to execute the plans it outlines. The appearance of 1 in the name marks the beginning of new conditions. Even the “A” Cycle generally brings changes in life, either socially, or commercially, or both. If these changes appear under harmonious conditions they may be turned to great advantage. If left to themselves, or not directed into proper channels, they are quite as likely to result disastrously. An “A” out of harmony would be obstinate