Page:The Ancient Science of Numbers by Luo Clement (1908).pdf/60

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and headstrong. The tendency to “begin” things would still exist, but the power to “finish” would be weakened to correspond to the extent of vibratory discord.

B, or 2. As 2 bears the message of the maternal spirit, its appearance in the name of a woman would indicate strength of mother-love. In a man it would tend to induce an interest in agriculture, horticulture, or in some other pursuit in which he might have an opportunity to assist and foster the efforts of nature. Almost invariably it evokes love of nature, and domestic inclinations. Usually there is aversion to long journeys, and, when travel is necessary, eagerness to return. In material things 2 is not strong, and its greatest achievements are frequently postponed until after the beginning of the fortieth year. Though loyal to friends and extremely sympathetic, a 2 is apt to be strongly fixed in opinions. What these opinions may be depends largely upon the