Page:The Ancient Science of Numbers by Luo Clement (1908).pdf/86

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or the contrary; will save, or slay; will upbuild, or break down. A “T” is usually dictatorial, and will seek to control every individual who comes within its influence. It is the natural moulder, and is unhappy if it cannot shape things to its liking. As “T” is also the symbol of the law of divine compensation, it demands the privilege of reaping when it has sown. To enjoy success under “T” one must attain to the mastery of self, for, even when in perfect harmony, a “T” must be a master of self-control, that the maleficent influences of the letter may have no opportunity to dominate.

U, or 300. The “U” manifests many of the qualities of “C,” but, being more spiritual in its operation, it emphasizes them. Thus “U” will be quite tenacious in holding the things that it accumulates, showing even more tenacity in this regard than “L” exhibits. “U” has the universal spirit of both “C” and “L,”