Page:The Ancient Science of Numbers by Luo Clement (1908).pdf/87

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but, as it is more inclined to bind, it is more hopeful in temperament, less easily discouraged, less liable to despondency. When out of harmony, however, “U” becomes extremely selfish, even to the point of miserliness.

V, or 400. A “V” combines the qualites of “M” and “Q.” It is a home-loving force, with strong disinclination to travel. It is fixed in its opinions; firm in its friendships, and square in its dealings with men. Though a strong lover of nature, a “V” would find little pleasure in tilling the soil. It is more interested in things that appear above ground. Thus, as “V” Is tinged with the artistic, it would make the successful landscape gardener, or florist, the tendencies leading towards experimentation through grafting, etc. Like many other spiritual letters, “V” has a duality of forces. In one phase of manifestation it is the personification of equilibrium, or practical things. In its other