Page:The Ancient Science of Numbers by Luo Clement (1908).pdf/98

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The Individualized Letters, or “K,” “P,” “Q,” “S,” “T,” “Y,” and “Z,” owe their name to the fact that they represent so strong a force that they frequently shine both ways, sometimes vibrating in three Cycles.

As each and all of these letters are extremely powerful, the appearance of several inharmonious factors in a name is certain to bring discomforts and trials as the life is drawn under the influence of such disadvantageous Cycles. In fact, the influence of the Cycle in which the individual is now living, is the next fact to be considered in the reading of the name: after which we may pass by easy stages to the question of fortunate days and months, color vibration, musical harmony. etc.

Important as it is that a character reading should be conducted along some such lines as those that have been suggested, it is very difficult to formulate arbitrary directions by which the name