Page:The Ancient Science of Numbers by Luo Clement (1908).pdf/99

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should be read. While it is true that the vibrations rule in the manner described, and that the characteristics of the letters change in exact concord with the change in these vibrations, it is no easy matter to anticipate and describe these factors in such a manner that they may be recognized quickly by the beginner: To a great extent proficiency in applying the the principles of the Science of Numbers is a question of practice, for, while the rules are exact, the phenomena of their manifestation varies so materially in each individual case that it would require a volume of huge proportions to describe all the operations of each rule, to say nothing of the many exceptions that affect this play of lights and shadows.

Accordingly, the only wise course for the student to pursue is to follow the common rule of patience, perseverence, and fidelity, for the beginner if he would hope to succeed, must be faithful in all his experiments with the Science, and