Page:The Annual Register 1899.djvu/652

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FRANCE, continued.

on Queeu Victoria, 71. Orleans, Due d\ repudiates support of M. Meyer, 74. Paris, Chinese Embassy, first secretary shot, 9 ; disorders in, £246], [247], [2561, 51 ; Exhibition, desire to boycott, 66 ; newspaper cor- respondent, expelled, 12 ; Venezuela Arbitration Court, sittings resumed, 34. Pellieux, Gen. de, transferred to Guimper, [254], 45. Picquart, Col., charges against, 13, 33 ; released, [250], 32. Regis, M. Max, his recej tion at Algiers, [246] ; sentenced, [251 58 ; Renues, court martial, [255], 54 ; verdict, [256]. Socialists, Con- tress of, [259J ; appeal to the " English Proletariat," 4. Tblborams, friendly, with Germany, 40. Waldbck-Rous- 8BAU, M., his Cabinet, [2581, 35 ; vote of confidence, [254], 37, 69. Zola, M., returns to Paris, 32 ; Zurlindkn, Gen., removed from the command of the Army, [254]

GERMANY.— Anatolian Railway, [292]. Army, adoption of German words, 1. Army Bill, [269], 10, 11, 16 ; passed, [273]. Bismarck, Prince and Princess, coffins of, transferred to the mauso- leum, 16. Bosse, Dr., resignation, [277], 54. Billow, Count, on the Navy, [279]-T282] ; on the agreement with Great Britain, 12. Butchers' meat from Belgium, prohibited, 42. Cameroons Co., North- West, charter granted to, [285]. Canal Bill, [274], 34, 51 ; rejected, [2761. Chinese con- cessions, [293], 7. Coburg succession, f2731 DblbrUck. Prof., sentenced, 273], 18. Deutsche Bank, 6. Diet closed, [276], 53. Dortmund and Ems Canal opened, r275],50. "Eisbnzahn" produced at Wiesbaden, 27. Esti- mates, [278], 4; Colonial, [284]. Forbion policy, [286]. Hammer- 8TBIN, Baron von, on the sugar trade, [273]. Hohenlohe, Prince, his edict, [276], 53; on the Navy, [279], 73. Horst, Baron von der Recke von der, resignation, (277], 54. Knorr, Adm. von, resignation, 14. Lippb-Dbtmold question, 2. Monster, Count, raised to the dignity of prince, 52. Navy, proposed increase, [279], 3. Officials, dismissal of, [276]. Parliament, opened, 69. Pan -Germanic League, congress at Hamburg, [278], 65. Penal Servitude Bill, [277], 70. Posa- dowsky, Count, on the most-favoured- nation treatment, [2901. Postage rates to the Colonies, reduction of, 29. Rhodes, Mr., agreements with, [2891. Rhynsburg, Spinoza Museum opened, 18. Richter, Herr, on the Navy, [282]. Samoa, commission ap- pointed, [286] ; convention signed, [287]. Schleswiff, North, Danes ex- pelled, 1. Social Democratic party, congress at Hanover, [283]. Socialist triumphs, [283]. Societies, coalition of, 72. Spain, cession of islands, [292]. Strikes, [277]. Tblborams,

GERMANY, continued.

friendly, with France, 40. Thielen, Herr, on the Canal BUI, [274L War, Minister, on the Army BuL [269]- [272]

Emperor of, on the Canal Bill,

[275] ; his visit to the Iphigenie [2931 ; reviews the Hanoverian regiments, 6 ; at the dinner of the Brandenburg Diet, 8 ; assumes command of the Navy, 14 ; on the Peace Conference, 28 ; letter to Dr. Hinzpeter, 41 ; at Strasburg, 55 ; on the navy, 63 ; his order to Prussian officers, 68 ; on the close of the century, 76

Emperor and Empress of, visit to

England, [226]; at Portsmouth, 69; leave Sandringham, 71

— Empress of, at a meeting to extend the number of sanatoria for consump- tives, 3 ; accident, 43

Gladstone, Mr., national memorial to, 10

Golf Championship, result, 30, 32

GREECE.— Athens, Syngros, Mme., her gift to improve the water supply, 17. Election, general, [3211 Min- istry, resignation, [3211; the new, [321], 21

Guernsey Militia, rebellion of the second regiment, 26

Guildhall, performance of "Beauty's Awakening" at, 37; meeting at, [95], [203J, 63

Hamilton, Lord G., appointed Captain of Deal Castle, 17

Harbbrton, Viscountess, and the land- lady of the Hautboy Hotel, case of, 20

Harcourt, Sir W., resigns the leader- ship of the Liberal party, [13], 6

Hbaton, Mr. H., presented with the free- dom of the City of London, 48

Hbrschell, Lord, his funeral, 17

HONG-KONG.— Commercial condition, [862]. Kau-Lunq, Chinese Maritime Customs, notice to, [361] ; riots, [3621, 20, 22 ; occupied by the British [362], 28. Population, [362]. Revenue, [362]

Honours conferred, Cromer, Lord, 1 ; Elgin, Earl of, 7 ; Home, Earl of, 10 ; Northumberland, Duke of, 26

Hope or Tavernier blue diamond, appli- cation to sell refused, 28, 42

Hospital Fund, Prince of Wales*, re- ceipts for the year, 75

Hyde Park, mass meeting at, 57

Imperial Institute, Kensington, taken over by the London University, 46

INDIA.— Bengal, Darjeeling, disaster at, [353] ; Cavalry (native), the 3rd, sub- scription to the War Fund, 76. Bom- bay. Northcote, Hon. Sir H. 8., ap- pointed Governor, [352], 65. Budget, [356]. Calcutta, Elgin, Earl of, fare- well dinner to. 1. Colombo graving dock, first sod cut, 13. Currency, [356], 55; report of the Committee, [355], 86. Curzon.Lord,ofKedleston, Governor^General, [355], 2. Daw-