Page:The Annual Register 1899.djvu/653

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INDIA, amtinued,

kins, Mr. C, on the currency, [366], 56. Dravid, the brothers, assassina- tion of. [352], 9. Famine, [363], 47, 72. Law, Sir E. F., appointed financial member of the Council ,[357]. Legislation, [366], 17. Madras, riots, [354], 34. National Congress, Lncknow, [365], 76. Native States, [354]; offers of help, [3551, 7C. North- west Provinces, Agra, finances, mis- management of, [354]; Elgin bridge opened, [864]. Plague, epidemic [353]. Punjab, punitive expedition, 8. Rainfall, a general, 66. Trade,

[367]. WE8TLAND, Sir J., on the Budget, T356] Industrial Contract Corporation, investi-

gation into, 72 IRELAND.— Agricultural Organisation

mission, [243]. Bantrt, farmer and his son murdered, 22. Commission of the Peace, removal of chairmen, •[242]. Connaught, Duke of, ap- pointed Commander-in-Chief of the Forces, 76. County Councils, the new, [241], 20. Emly, Lord, deprived of his rank as Deputy-Laeutenant,[242],

72. Fitzharris, J., and others re- leased, 52. Land Commission, re- sult, [243], Local Government Act of 1898, result, [240], 4. Parnell memorial, meeting for the proposed, 46. Plnnkett, Rt. Hon. H., ap- pointed Vice-President of the Agricul- ture and Technical Instruction Depart- ment, [244], 67. Tithe Rent Charge Bill, [244]. United Irish League, [243]

ITALY. — Amnesty declared, [269]. Anglo-French agreement, protest against, [74], 19. Army reforms, [267]. Budget, [260], [269]. Bye- elections, [269]. Chinaglia, Sgr., elected President of the Chamber, [2o4]. Chinese question, [262]. Franco- Italian treaty of commerce, Leghorn, anarchists arrested, Martino, Sgr, recalled, 16. try, resignation, [263]; the new, [2631. Notarbartolo, assassinated, [2671,

73. Palizzolo, Sgr., arrested, f 2681, 73. Parliament reassembled, (2641; obstruction, [266]; prorogation, [266j, 37, 38; reopening, [268], 69. Peace Congress, [2611 Pellonx, Gen., re- signation, [263], 26; forms a new Cabinet, [263], 27. Public Safety Bills, [262], 37. Rome, Anarchist outrage, 15; St. Bede's College, con- stitution granted to, 3; Chamber of Deputies, scene in the, 30; Forum, discoveries in the, 4; "Holy Year" inaugurated, 76. Sicily, Maffia, in- quiry into, [267], [268]. Socialist deputies, election, [262], Vesuvius, eruption of, 4. Zanardelli, Sgr., resignation, [264]

King and Queen of, visit Sardinia,

[262], 21; review the squadrons, 23

JAPAN.— BERB8P0RD, Lord C, his visit to, T363]. Kanoye, Prince, his tour, [363]. Navy, increase of the, [3631. Trade [363]. Treaties, revised, [363]

Judges, appointments, Bucknill, Mr. T. T., 1. Cozens-Hardy, Mr., 11. Far- well, Mr. G. , 64. Lushington , Mr. F. , 50. Romer, Mr. Justice, 11

Kelvin, Lord, resigns the chair of Natural Philosophy, Glasgow, 41

Kimbbrley, Burl of, appointed Chancellor of London University, 19

Kitchener, Lord, grant and vote of thanks to, [117], 31, 32; appointed Chief of the Staff to Lord Roberts, [233], [371], 74

KOREA.— Cabinet dismissed, [362], Con- cessions to Russia and Japan, [362]. Trade, [362]

Landslips, Amain, 75; Dover, 61

Law Courts, opening of the, 65

Licensing question, report of the royal commission on, [104]

Lipton, Sir T., his yacht Shamrock at New York, 51

LITERATURE, retrospect of, works of the season, principal — Abbott, Dr. L., "The Life and Letters of Paul the Apostle," 83. Adeane, Miss, "The Early Married Life of Maria Josepha Lady Stanley," 90. Aston, Mr. W. G., "A History of Japanese Literature," 79 Bailue-Grohman, Mr., "Sport and Life in Western America," 91. Bate, Mr. P. H., "The English Pre- Raphaelite Painters," 93. Beavan, Mr. A. H., "James and Horace Smith," 88. Beers^ Mr. H. A., "A History of English Romanticism in the Eighteenth Century," 79. Beesly, Mr. A. H., "Life of Danton," 87. Belloe. Mr. H., "Danton," 87. Ben- son, Mr. A. C, "Edward White Ben- son, Archbishop of Canterbury," 88. Bishop, Mrs., "The Yangtsze Valley and Beyond," 91. Bonar, Mr. J., and Mr. J. H. Hollander, "The Letters of David Ricardo to Hutches Trower and Others, 1811-1823," 82. "Bridges, the Poetical Works of Robert," 78. Browning, Mr. R. B., " The Letters of Robert Browning and Elizabeth Bar- rett," 89. Bruce. Prof. A. B., "The Moral Order of the World in Ancient and Modern Thought," 83. Bullen, Mr. F. T., " The Cruise of the Cacha- lot" 91; "Idylls of the Sea," 91; " The Log of a Sea Waif," 91 Caird, Dr., "The Fundamental Ideas of Christianity," 83. Churchill, Mr. W. S., " The River War," 82. Clim- enson, E. J., "Passages from the Diaries of Mrs. Philip Lybbe Powys of Hardwick House, Oxon., 1766-1808," 87. Coghill, Mrs. H., "The Auto- biography and Letters of Mrs. M. O. W. Oliphant," 89. Colvin, Mr. S., " The Letters of Robert Louis Steven- son to His Family and Friends," 90. Copland, Mr. c" 1 *.^ ^Defters^g 1 ^