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Page:The Army and Navy Hymnal.djvu/66

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\version "2.16.2" 
\header { tagline = ##f title = \markup { "In the Lonely Midnight" "          " "39" } subsubtitle = "(IN THE LONELY MIDNIGHT. 6,5,6,5,D.)" composer = "Alonzo P. Howard, 1838–1902" poet = "Theodore Chickering Willians, 1855–1915" }
\score { << << \new Staff { \key ees \major \time 4/4 \relative b' {
  <bes g ees>4^\markup { \caps Unison } q q <c g ees> |
  q2 <bes g ees> |
  <aes d,>4 <g d> <f d> <e cis> |
  <f d bes>2( <bes f d>) |
  <bes g ees>4 q q <c g ees> | %end of line 1
  q2 <bes g ees> |
  <bes g d>4 <a fis d> q <d a fis> |
  <d bes g>2( ~ <d aes f>) |
  <ees bes g ees>4 <d bes g d> <c g ees c> <g ees c> |
  <c aes d,>2 q | % end of line 2
  <d aes d,>4 <c aes d,> <f, d bes> <c' aes f d> |
  <bes g ees bes>1 |
  <g ees des>4 q <aes ees des> <bes ees, des> |
  <c ees, c>2 <ees c fis, ees> |
  <ees bes g ees>4 <g, ees c> <f ees c> <bes f d bes> |
  <ees, bes g>1 \bar "|."
  <aes ees c aes> <g ees bes g> \bar ".." } }
\new Staff { \clef bass \key ees \major \relative e {
  <ees bes'>4 <bes bes'> <ees bes'> <bes bes'> |
  << { bes'2 bes } \\ { ees,4 bes ees bes } >> |
  <f' bes> <g bes> <aes bes> <g bes> |
  << { s2 aes } \\ { aes4 bes, f' bes, } >> |
  <ees g> <bes bes'> <ees bes'> <bes bes'> | % end of line 1
  << { bes'2 bes | s4 d, } \\ { ees bes ees bes | <d d,> d } >>
  <d c'> q |
  <g g,> <d g bes> <bes bes,> <bes f' aes> |
  <ees, ees,> <ees' g bes> <bes bes,> <ees g bes> |
  <f f,> <aes bes d> <bes, bes,> <aes' bes d> | % end of line 2
  <bes, bes,> <aes' bes d> <bes, bes,> <bes aes'> |
  <ees, ees,> ees' g bes |
  <bes ees, > q <bes f> <bes g> |
  << { aes2 } \\ { aes } >> <a a,> |
  <bes bes,>4 <g c,> <aes aes,> <aes bes,> |
  <ees ees,>1 <aes aes,> <ees ees,> } } >> >>
\layout { indent = #0 }
\midi { \tempo 4 = 112 } }

  1. In the lone - ly mid - night
    On the win - try hill,
    Shep-herds heard the an-gels
    Sing- ing, 'Peace, good - will.'
    Lis-ten, O ye wea-ry,
    To the an - gels' song
    Un - to you the tid - ings
    Of great joy be - long.
  2. Though in Da-vid's cit - y
    An - gels sing no more,
    Love makes an - gel music
    On earth's dark - est shore ;
    Tho' no heavenly glory
    Meet your wondering eyes,
    Love can make your dwelling
    Bright as par - a - dise.
  3. Though the child of Ma - ry,
    Sent from heaven on high,
    In his man - ger cra - dle
    May no lon - ger lie,
    Love is King for - ev - er,
    Tho' the proud world scorn;
    If ye tru - ly seek him,
    Christ your Kings is born.

Copyright, Hymn and Tune Book, Unitarian

A Thousand Years Have Come 40

1 A thousand years have come and gone,
And near a thousand more,
Since happier light from heaven shone
Than ever shone before,
And in the hearts of old and young
A joy most joyful stirred,
That sent such news from tongue to tongue
As ears had never heard.

2. And we are glad, and we will sing,
As in the days of yore;
Come all, and hearts made ready bring,
To welcome back once more
The day when first on wintry earth
A summer change began
And, dawning in a lowly birth,
Uprose the Light of man.