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Page:The Army and Navy Hymnal.djvu/81

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\version "2.16.2" 
\header { tagline = ##f title = \markup { "56" "         " "O'er All the Way" } subsubtitle = "(THE PALMS)" composer = "Arranged from J. Baptist Faure" }
\score { << << \new Staff { \key bes \major \time 2/2 \relative f' { \autoBeamOff
  <f d>4 q8 q <d bes>8. <f bes>16 q8 <a f> |
  <g ees>4 <bes ees> <f d> ~ q8 r |
  <c' a>4 <c aes>8. q16 <c g>4 \times 2/3 { <c ges>8 q q } |
  <c f,>4.. <cis ees,>16 q4 <d d,>4 |
  <f, d> q8. q16 <d bes>8 <f bes> q8. <a f>16 |
  <g ees>4 <bes g> << { f ~ f8 } \\ { f4 ~ f8 } >> r8 |
  <gis f>4 q8. q16 <a f>8. q16 q8. <bes f>16 |
  << { c4. c8 } \\ { f,4 e } >> <c' ees,>2 \bar "."
  << { f,4^\markup { \caps "Refrain" } g8. } \\ { f4 f8. } >> <a f>16 <bes g>4. <a d,>8 |
  << { g4.. g16 } \\ { g4.. f16 } >> <a ees>4 ~ q8 r |
  <c ees,>4 \times 2/3 { <d d,>4 <a d,>8 } 
  \times 2/3 { <c d,>4 <bes d,>8 }
    << { \times 2/3 { bes[ \grace { c16[ bes] } a8] <bes d,> } |
         \times 2/3 { c4( g8 } \times 2/3 { fis4) <g ees>8 }
         \times 2/3 { d'4( c8) } \times 2/3 { <a ees> r8. <d f,>16 } |
         d2 bes } \\
       { \times 2/3 { d,4 s8 } |
         e4 ~ e ees s |
         f4( g8.[ a16]) bes4.( a16) } >> |
  <g ees'>4 q8. <d' g,>16 <c a>2 |
%last line of hymn brought back from next page for ease of transclusion
  <f b,>4^\markup { \italic slargando } \times 2/3 { q4 <d b>8 }
  \times 2/3 { q8 <ees c> <ees g,> }
  \times 2/3 { q <b f> <c ees,> } |
  <d d,>4\( \times 2/3 { bes8[ c d] } \grace { c16[ d] } <c ees,>4..( <bes d,>16)\) |
  <bes d,>4 ~ q8 r8 r2 \bar "|."
  <bes ees,>2 <bes d,> \bar ".." } }
\new Staff { \clef bass \key bes \major \relative b, { \autoBeamOff
  <bes bes'>4 q8 q <bes f'>8. <d bes'>16 q8 q |
  <ees bes'>4 <g bes> << { bes4 ~ bes8 } \\ { bes4 ~ bes8 } >> r |
  <f f'>4 <fis ees'>8. q16 <g ees'>4 \times 2/3 { <aes ees'>8 q q } |
  <a ees>4.. <a f>16 q4 <bes bes,> |
  q4 q8. q16 <f bes,>8 <d bes'> q8. q16 |
  <ees bes>4 q <bes d'>4 ~ q8 r |
  <b d'>4 q8. q16 <c c'>8. <c f>16 <c f>8. <c g'>16 |
  <c a'>4 <c bes'> <f a>2 | %end of verse
  <bes d>4 q8. <a d>16 <g bes>4. <f bes>8 |
  << { ees'4.. } \\ { ees,4( c8.) } >> <c d'>16 <f c'>4 ~ q8 r |
  <fis a>4 \times 2/3 { q4 <d fis>8 } \times 2/3 { <g g,>4 q8 }
  \times 2/3 { q4 << { g8 } \\ { g } >> } |
  << { \times 2/3 { g4 bes8 } \times 2/3 { a4 s8 } } \\
     { c,4 ~ \times 2/3 { c4 <c bes'>8 } } >>
  <f a>4 \times 2/3 { <f c'>8 r8. <bes, bes'>16 } |
  q2 <g' d'> |
  <c c,>4 q8. <bes c,>16 << { a4( ees') } \\ { f,2 } >> |
%line from next page begins here
  <g d'>4 \times 2/3 { q4 <g f'>8 }
  \times 2/3 { q <c, ees'> <c c'> }
  \times 2/3 { <c g'> <d g> <ees g> } |
  <f bes>4\( << { \times 2/3 { d'8 c bes } a4.. f16 } \\ { f4 f2\) } >>
  <f bes,>4 ~ q8 r r2 | <g ees>2 <bes bes,> } } >> >>
\layout { indent = #0 }
\midi { \tempo 4 = 112 } }

  1. O'er all the way green palms and blossoms gay
    Are strewn this day in festal preparation;
    Where Jesus come to wipe out tears away,
    E'en now the throng welcome him prepare
    Join all and sing, his name declare;
    Let every voice resound with acclamation,
    Ho sanna, Praise to the Lord!
    Bless him who cometh to bring us salvation.

  2. His word goes forth, and people by its might
    Once more regain freedom from degredation;
    Humanity doth give to each his right,
    While those in darkness find restored the light.
  3. Sing and rejoice, O blest Jerusalem,
    Of all thy sons sing the emancipation;
    Thro' boundless love, the Christ of Bethlehem
    Brings faith and hope to thee forevermore.