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Page:The Army and Navy Hymnal.djvu/82

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O'er All the Way

Line of music moved back to previous page for transclusion reasons.

\version "2.16.2" 
fairestComposer = \markup { \center-column { "Silesian Folk Song" "Arranged by Richard S. Willis, 1850" } }
fairestPoet = \markup { \center-column { "Münster, 1677" "Translated circa 1850" } }
\header { tagline = ##f title = \markup { "Fairest Lord Jesus" "          " "57" } subsubtitle = "(CRUSADER'S HYMN 5,6,8,5,5,8)" composer = \fairestComposer poet = \fairestPoet }
\score { << << \new Staff { \key f \major \time 4/4 \relative f' {
  <f c>2 q4 q | <g d>( <e c>) <f c>2 |
  <a f>4. q8 q4 <a fis> |
  <bes g>( <g e>) <a f>2 | <c f,> <f f,>4 <d f,> | %end line 1
  <c f,>2 <bes g>4( <a f>) | <bes e,>2 <a f> |
  <g e> r | <c f,> <d f,>4 <c f,> |
  << { c( a) } \\ { fis2 } >> <bes g> |
  <bes d,> <c d,>4 <bes d,> | %end line 2
  << { bes4( g) } \\ { e2 } >> <a f>4 q |
  q q <c f,> <bes f> | <a f>2 <g e> |
  << { f1 } \\ { f } >> \bar "|."
  <f d>2 <f c> \bar ".." } }
\new Staff { \clef bass \key f \major \relative f {
  <f a>2 q4 q | <bes, bes'>( <c g'>) <f a>2 |
  <f c'>4. <e c'>8 <d d'>4 <c d'> |
  <bes d'>( <c c'>) <f c'>2 |
  <f a> <bes, d'>4 <d bes'> | %end line 1
  <f a>2 << { c' } \\ { e,4( f) } >> |
  <g c>2 <f c'> | <c c'> r |
  <a c'> <bes bes'>4 <c a'> |
  <a a'>2 << { g' } \\ { g } >> |
  <g g,> <fis a,>4 <g bes> | %end line 2
  <g c,>2 << { f4 } \\ { f } >> <f c'>4 |
  <e c'> <d d'> <a ees''> <bes d'> |
  <c c'>2 << { c'4( bes) } \\ { c,2 } >> |
  <f a>1 | <bes bes,>2 <a f> } } >> >>
\layout { indent = #0 }
\midi { \tempo 4 = 112 } }

  1. Fairest Lord Jesus,
    Ruler of all Nature,
    O thou of God and man the Son;
    Thee will I cherish,
    Thee will I honor,
    Thou my soul's glory, joy and crown.
  2. Fair are the meadows,
    Fairer still the woodlands,
    Robed in the blooming garb of spring;
    Jesus is fairer,
    Jesus is purer,
    Who makes the woeful heart to sing.
  3. Fair is the sunshine,
    Fairer still the moonlight,
    And all the twinkling, starry host;
    Jesus shines brighter,
    Jesus shines purer
    Than all the angels heaven could boast.