Page:The Art of Bookbinding, Zaehnsdorf, 1890.djvu/222

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Burnt documents, deciphering, 166.

Burr on knife, 79.

Calf, back polishing, 137.
—— blocking, 153.

Cambridge, 104.
—— colouring, 100.
—— colouring, preparing for, 102.
—— colouring, black, 101.
—— colouring, brown, 102.
—— colouring, yellow, 102.
—— covering in, 94.
—— dabbing, 106.
—— effect of glue on, 89.
—— extra, 142.
—— finishing, 135.
—— graining, 144.
—— graining, advantage of, 144.
—— green and light, 139-141.
—— handling, 94.
—— lettering, 140.
—— marbling, 105.
—— marbling, preparing for, 104.
—— neat, 137.
—— pasting down, 99.
—— sides, finishing, 141.
—— sides, polishing, 142.
—— work, backs suitable for (cut), 138.
—— sprinkling, 103.
—— sprinkling, emblematic, 103.
—— sprinkling, preparing for 103.

Cambridge calf, 104.

Capping up edges, 82.

Cat's paw, 106.

Charcoal fire for finishing, 121.

Chemical colouring of leather, 133.

Chloride of lime solution, 159.

Chlorine, restoring writing effaced by, 165.

Cleaning, 157.
—— off stick, 58-59.
—— removing single leaf for, 162.

Cleaning silver mountings, 172.
—— sponges, 172.
—— with india-rubber, 161.
—— with bread, 161.

Cloth blocking, 153.
—— covering with, 95.
—— joints, 38.
—— smooth, 95.

Cobb paper, 33.

Collating, 13.

Colour of blind work, 122.

Colours for books, suggested, 96.
—— for marbling, 69.
—— for sprinkling, 68.

Coloured edges, fancy, 69.
—— paste paper, 35.
—— plates, 17.

Colouring calf, 100.
—— calf preparing for, 102.
—— calf, black, 101.
—— calf, brown, 102.
—— yellow, 102.

Colouring edges, 67.
—— of leather, chemical, 133.
—— plain, for edges, 69.

Comb marble, 72.

Cord, sizes of, 22.

Cords, lay, 23.

Cotton wool, 120.

Covers, cutting leather, 90.

Covering, 90.
—— half bound work, 96.
—— preparing for, 87.
—— with calf, 94.
—— with cloth, 95.
—— with morocco, 90.
—— with parchment, 94.
—— with roan, do.
—— with russia, 94.
—— with satin, 95.
—— with silk, 95.
—— with vellum, 94.
—— with velvet, 95.

Cut against, 54.
—— true, to tell if boards are, 56.
—— to tell if book is, 64.

Cushion, gold, 78.

Cutting, 59.