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- Finger-marks, 163.
- —— removing, 163.
- Finishing, 111.
- —— ancient, 117.
- —— a back (cut), 130.
- —— a back, calf, 135.
- —— a back, full gilt, 137.
- —— a back, run up, 139.
- —— blind, antique or monastic, 122.
- —— blind, tools for, 122.
- —— calf sides, 141
- —— charcoal fire for, 121.
- —— edges of boards, 132.
- —— extra calf sides, 142.
- —— flexible work, 124.
- —— gold, 125.
- —— gold, tools for, 122.
- —— half morocco book, 127.
- —— inside of a book, 132-141.
- —— medium, 126.
- —— medium, importance of proper, 126.
- —— morocco sides, 131.
- —— morocco imitation, 133.
- —— paper, 144.
- —— press (cuts), 121-122.
- —— religious books, 122.
- —— roan, 133.
- —— russia, 145.
- —— sides calf, 135.
- —— sides calf extra, 142.
- —— sides morocco, 131.
- —— sides, morocco imitation, 133.
- —— silk, 146.
- —— stove (cuts), 120.
- —— taste in, 117.
- —— tools, 118-122.
- —— tools, heat for, 128.
- —— vellum, 147.
- —— velvet, 146.
- —— with dry preparation, 145.
- Fixing drawings, 165.
- Flat backs, 48.
- Flexible binding, advantages of, 28.
- —— how to tell, 29.
- —— not to show, 29, 89.
- Flexible work, backing, 50.
- Flexible work, cleaning off, 59.
- —— work, covering, preparing for, 89.
- —— work, finishing, 124.
- —— work, gluing up, 45.
- —— work, marking up, 20.
- —— work, mock, 90.
- —— work, sewing, 23.
- —— work, sewing (cut), 27.
- Folding, 3.
- —— stick, 4.
- —— machine (cut), 7.
- —— maps, 15.
- Folio, 4.
- Foredge, cutting, 62.
- Forwarding, 33.
- Fox-marks, 163.
- —— marks, removing, 163.
- French, dab, 106.
- —— method of pressing, 19.
- —— method of trimming, 42.
- —— paring knife (cut), 90.
- —— paring knife, method of using (cut), 91.
- Full gilt back, finishing, 137.
- Gall, ox, for marbling, 71.
- Gascon, 115.
- —— tools (cuts), 114.
- Gathering, 8.
- —— machine, 8.
- German, method of gluing up, 45.
- —— paring knife (cut), 91.
- —— paring knife, method of using (cut), 91.
- Giggering, 124.
- Gilding edges, 80.
- Gilt back, full, 129.
- —— edges, 78.
- —— edges, dull, 81.
- —— edges, painted, 82.
- —— edges, solid, 81.
- —— edges, tooled, 82.
- —— in the round, 81.
- —— marbling on, 78.
- —— marbling under, 78.
- —— on red, 82.
- —— top, 41.