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- Leather covers, cutting, 90.
- —— kinds of, 90.
- —— non-porous, 126.
- —— porous, 126.
- Leaves, re-sizing, 162.
- Lettering, 117.
- —— calf, 140.
- —— pieces, 136.
- —— pieces, disadvantages of, 136.
- —— pieces, for vellum books, 148.
- —— pieces, substitute for, 136.
- Letters, hand, 129.
- Lining boards, 55.
- —— boards, half binding, 55.
- —— boards, whole binding, 55.
- —— paper for, 88.
- —— up, 87.
- Machine, backing, 50.
- —— cutting (cuts), 65, 66.
- —— folding (cut), 7.
- —— gathering, 8.
- —— mill-board cutting (cuts), 54.
- —— mill-board cutting, steam, (cut), 54.
- —— rolling (cut), 11.
- —— rounding, (cut), 47.
- —— sawing in (cut), 22.
- —— sewing (cut), 31.
- —— sewing, 32.
- —— sewing wire, 32.
- Machines, to prevent, rusting, 171.
- Making end papers, 35.
- Maps, mounting (cut), 14.
- —— throwing out, 13.
- Marble comb, 72.
- —— edges, sprinkled, 67.
- —— nonpareil, 72.
- —— shell, 72.
- —— Spanish, 72.
- —— spot, 72.
- —— tree, 105.
- Marbled edges, 69.
- —— paper, 33.
- —— paper, burnishing, 73.
- —— paper, old Dutch, 34.
- Marbled paper, transferring to
- —— edges,.74-75.
- Marblers, mechanical (cuts), 75.
- Marbling, 34-71.
- —— ancient instructions for, 76.
- —— calf, 105.
- —— colours for, 69.
- —— edges, 73.
- —— edges, on gilt, 78.
- —— edges, under gilt, 78.
- —— ox gall for, 71.
- —— paper, 73.
- —— preparing for, 104.
- —— requisites for, 69.
- —— set, 77.
- —— size for, 70.
- —— trough (cut), 70.
- Margins, 3-43.
- Marking ink stains, removing, 164.
- —— up, 20.
- Mechanical marblers (cuts), 75.
- Medium for fnishing, 126.
- —— importance of proper, 126.
- Mill-board, cutting, 52.
- —— cutting machine (cut), 53.
- —— cutting machine, steam, (cut), 54.
- —— shears, 52.
- Mill-boards, 51.
- —— made, 55.
- —— name of, 51.
- —— sizes of, 52.
- —— price of, 51.
- Missing sheets, 19.
- Mitre piece (cut), 131.
- Mitred back, 129.
- Mock flexible binding, 90.
- Monastic, bindings. 111.
- —— finishing, 122.
- —— tools (cuts), 112.
- Morocco, blocking, 153.
- —— imitation, finishing, 133.
- —— joints, 98.
- —— pasting down, 97.
- —— sides, finishing, 141.
- Mosaic work, 133.
- Mounting, maps, 15.
- —— photographs, 171.
- Mountings, cleaning silver, 172.