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- Neat, calf, 137.
- Nippers, band (cut), 93.
- Nitric acid, effect upon leather, 133.
- Nonpareil marble, 72.
- Non-porous leathers, 126.
- Object of guards, 16.
- —— of trimming, 42.
- Old books, beating, 10.
- —— head-banding in, 84.
- —— sewing, 25.
- Old writing, reviving, 164.
- Opening books, care in, 169.
- Overcasting, 18.
- Oversewing, 18.
- Ox gall for marbling, 71.
- Oxford vellum, 147.
- Oxymuriatic acid, restoring writing effaced by, 165.
- Painting covers, 133.
- Pallet (cut), 118.
- —— using the, 123.
- Paper, bronze end, 34.
- —— burnishing marbled, 73.
- —— Cobb, 33.
- —— finishing, 145.
- —— for lining up, 88.
- —— incombustible, to render, 166.
- —— marbled, 33.
- —— marbled, old Dutch, 34.
- —— marbling, 73.
- —— paste, .35.
- —— printed and fancy end, 34.
- —— surface, 33.
- —— waterproof, to render, 165.
- Papers, end, 33.
- —— end, making, 35.
- Parchment, 147.
- —— covering with, 94.
- —— vegetable, 147.
- Paring, 91.
- —— knife, French (cut), 90.
- —— knife, French, method of using (cut), 91.
- —— knife, German (cut), 91.
- —— knife, German, method of using, 92.
- Paste, 170.
- —— and glue, comparative advantages, 93.
- —— for white morocco, 94.
- —— for paper, 35.
- —— rice, 169,
- —— to prevent, moulding and souring, 170.
- —— water, effect upon leather, 127.
- Pasting, 36.
- —— calf, 99.
- —— down, 97.
- —— down half bindings, 100.
- —— Russia, 99.
- —— single sheets, 17.
- —— up, 36.
- Peel, 159.
- Photographs, boards for, 170.
- —— mounting, 171.
- —— removing, 170.
- Pieces, lettering, 136.
- —— lettering, disadvantages of, 136.
- —— lettering, substitute for, 136.
- Plates, 14.
- —— coloured, 17.
- —— guarding, 15.
- Plough, round, 42.
- Polishing calf back, 140.
- —— calf sides, 142.
- —— heat for, 140.
- Polishing iron (cut), 119.
- Porous leathers, 126.
- Preparation, dry, 145.
- Preparing for covering, 87.
- —— for covering flexible work, 89.
- —— for covering flexible work, not to show, 89.
- —— for covering mock flexible work, 90.