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Page:The Art of Distillation, 1651.djvu/146

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Of the Art of Diſtillation.

gether, and let it ſtand in a cellar as other wine doth, till it be clear and fit to be drunk.

To make an artificiall Claret-Wine.

Take fix gallons of water, two gallons of the beſt Cidar, put thereunto eight pound of the beſt Mallago Raiſins bruiſed. in a mortar, let them ſtand cloſe covered in a warme place the ſpace of a fortnight, every two dayes ſtirring them well together, then preſſe out the raiſins and put the Liquor into the ſaid veſſell again, to which adde a quart of the juice of Raſpberries, and a pint of the juice of Black-cherries, cover this Liquor with Bread ſpread thick with ſtrong Muſtard, the Muſtard fide being downward, and ſo let it work by the fire fide three or four dayes, then tun it up, and let it stand a week, and then bottle it up. And it will taſt as quick as bottle beer, and indeed become a very pleaſant drink, and indeed farre better, and wholeſomer then our common Claret.

An artificiall Malmeſey.

Take two gallons of Engliſh Honey, put it into eight gallons of the beſt ſpring water, ſet theſe in a veſſell over a gentle fire, when they have boy led gently an houre take them off, and when they be cold put them into a ſmall barrell or runlet, hanging in the veſſell a bag of ſpices and ſet it in the cellar, and in halfe a year you may drinke thereof.

To make an excellent aromaticall Hyppoeras.

Take of Cinnamon two ounces, Ginger an ounce, Cloves and Nutmegs of each two drams, of white Pepper half a dram, of Cardamums two drams, of Musk Mallowſeed, three ounces. Let all theſe be bruiſed, and put into a bag and hanged in fix gallons of Wine. Note that you muſt put a weight in the bag to make it ſink.
