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Page:The Art of Distillation, 1651.djvu/150

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Of the Art of Diſtillation.
To make Mead or Metheglin that it ſhall taſt ſtale and quick within a fortnight and bee fit to drink.

To every three gallons of water, put one gallon of the pureſt Honey, put what hearbs and ſpices you pleaſe, boyle it, and skim it well, now and then putting in ſome water. When it is ſufficiently boyled take it off, and when it is almoſt cold, put it into a wooden veſſell, and ſet it by the fire ſide, cover it over with Bread ſpread thick with the ſtrongeſt Muſtard, the Muſtard ſide being downwards, and ſo let it ſtand three dayes, and it will worke, only put a cloth over it: Then tunne it up, and after a week draw it forth into bottles, and ſet it into a cellar, and after a week more you may drink of it, for it will taſt as quick as bottle beer that is a fortnight old, and indeed as ſtale as other Mead will in halfe a year.

To make a Spirit of Amber-gryfe that a few drops thereof ſhall perfume a pint of Wine moſt richly.

Take of Amber-gryfe 2. drams, of Muske a dram, cut them ſmall, and put them into a pint of the beſt rectified Spirit of Wine, cloſe up the glaſſe Hermetically, and digeſt them in a very gentle heat till you perceive they are diſſolved. Then you may make uſe of it.

Two or three drops or more if you pleaſe of this Spirit, put into a pint of Wine, gives it a rich odour.

Or if you put 2. or 3. drops round the brimmes of the glaſſe it will doe as well.

Halfe a ſpoonfull of it taken either of it ſelfe, or mixed with ſome ſpecificall Liquor, is a moſt rich Cordiall.

An excellent ſweet Water.

Take a quart of Orenge-flower Water, as much Roſe-water, adde thereto of Musk-willow[errata 1] ſeeds groſſely bruiſed four ounces,

  1. Correction: Musk-willow should be amended to Musk-mallow