Take what Wine you pleaſe, and according as you would have it taſt of this or that ſpice, or any other vegetable, of one or more together, you may drop a few drops of the diſtilled Oil of the ſaid ſpices, or vegetables into the Wine, and brew them well together, and you may make in an inſtant all forts of Hypocras or other Wines: as for example, if you would have Wormwood Wine, two or three drops of Oil of Wormwood put into good Rheniſh-wine, being well brewed together, will make a Wormwood Wine exceeding any that you ſhall meet withall in the Rheniſh-wine houſes.
Take a gallon of Sack, in which let two gallons of Raſpberries ſtand ſteeping the ſpace of twenty four houres, then ſtrain them, and put to the Liquor three pound of Raiſins of the ſun ſtoned; let them ſtand together four or five dayes, being ſometimes ſtirred together: Then pour off the cleareſt, and put it up in bottles, and ſet it in a cold place. If it be not ſweet enough you may adde ſome Sugar to it.
Take of the juice of Raſpberries, put it into a bottle, which you muſt ſtop cloſe, and ſet in a cellar, and it will become clear, and keep all the year, and become very fragrant.
A few ſpoonfulls of this put into a pint of Wine ſweetned well with Sugar gives it an excellent and full taſt of the Raſpes.
If you put two or three ounces of the Syrup of Raſpes to a pint of Wine it will doe as well, but then you need uſe no other Sugar, for that will ſweeten it ſufficiently.