Take the Oil of Turpentine, and the Colophonia thereof (which is that ſubſtance which remaines in the bottome after diſtillation) which you must beat to powder. Mix theſe together and digeſt them, and you ſhall have a Turpentine of the fame conſiſtency as before, but of a fiery ſubtle nature.
Pills made of this Turpentine, are of excellent uſe in obſtructions of the breaſt, kidneyes and the like.
You muſt have a long pipe made of tin, which muſt have a bowle in the middle with a hole in it as big as you can put your finger into it: by which you muſt put your matter that you would have the Oil of. Set this matter on fire with a candle or coal of fire, then put one end of the pipe into a baſon of fair water, and blow at the other end, and the ſmoak will come into the water, and there will an Oil ſwim upon the water: which you may ſeparate with a tunnell.