Of the Art of Diſtillation.
To make water, and the tincture of any vegetable at the ſame time, which is an excellent way to draw out the vertue thereof.
This muſt be performed by theſe following veſſels.
- Signifies the Furnace it ſelfe.
- The Retort which ſtands in water or ſand, wherein the mater to be diſtilled is put, inſtead whereof, if you pleaſe you may put a gourd glaſſe with a head to it.
- The pipe.
- Another veſſell where is more freſh matter, out of which the tincture is to be drawne, and which ſtands upon aſhes with a fire under it.
- The furnace with a pan of aſhes.
- The receiver.
- The bole of the furnace to put in coals, to heat the ſecond matter.
A way to ſeparate freſh water from ſalt without a furnace or much trouble.
Take a Caldron with a great and high cover having a beake or noſe, ſet it upon a trefoot, and under it put fire: let this be filled with ſalt water, and there will preſently di-