ſtill off a good quantity of freſh water into a receiver, which muſt be joined to the noſe of the aforeſaid cover.
This is of good uſe for Sea-men that want freſh water, for by this meanes they may diſtill a good quantity in 24. houres, eſpecially if they have any conſiderable number of the aforeſaid veſſels, a figure whereof is this which followes.
Fill a great pot with pudled water, put a ſoft and gentle fire under it, lay ſome ſticks acroſſe on the pot brims, and upon the ſticks lay clean wooll or a ſpunge well washed; Now the wooll drinkes up the vapours that aſcend, which then you muſt wring out, and lay on the wooll again, and this you may doe till you have as much clean water as you deſire. The manner of this diſtillation is deſcribed thus.