Of the Art of Diſtillation.
An ounce or 2. of this water of Elder-berries is a very excellent Sudorifick, and is very good in all diſeaſes that require ſmeat[errata 1]; as alſo in hydropicall diſeaſes.
A Water out of rotten Apples is made thus.
TAke as many rotten Apples as you pleaſe, bruiſe them, and diſtill them either in a common cold Still, or gourd glaſſes in Balneo.
This water is of greater uſe in feavers, and hot diſtempers then the common diſtilled waters of any cold vegetables.
It is very good in any hot diſtemper of the reines, and ſharpneſs of Urine.
It is very good in the inflamations of the eyes.
How to make Aqua vitæ, and ſpirit of wine out of wine.
TAke of what wine you pleaſe, put it into a copper Still, two parts of three being empty, diſtill it with a worme, untill
- ↑ Correction: ſmeat should be amended to ſweat