If this Oil be afterward circulated for a month, it will thereby become moſt odoriferous, and of ſingular vertue, and good being both very Cordiall, and Balſamicall.
PUt Spirit of Wine well rectified upon Canary or Rheniſh Wine, ſo cautiouſly that it may not mix with, but ſwin upon the Wine, let them ſtand without ſtirring the space of 48 houres. Then will the Spirit that is in the Wine rife up and join it ſelf to the Spirit that ſwims on the top, which you ſhall perceive by the weakneſs of the flegm, which you muſt let run out at a tap, which must be made in the bottom of the veſſell for that purpoſe, and ſo be ſeparated from the Spirit.
TAke white, or wheaten bread aſ ſoon as it comes forth of the Oven, break it in the middle (i) the upper ſide from the lower ſide, and hang it hot in a Glaſs-veſſell over Canary Wine, but ſo that it touch not the Wine, then cover the veſſell, and let it ſo ſtand untill the bread ſwell and be ſufficiently impregnated with the Spirit of Wine, which it will attract from the Wine: then take out that bread and put in more: till you have a conſiderable quantity of bread thus moiſtned. Then put this bread into a Glaſs-body, and diſtill it in Balneo, and ſhall have a very ſubtile Spirit, which you may yet rectific by Circulation.