TAke of the beſt Canary Wine as much as you pleaſe, let it ſtand in putrefaction forty dayes, then diſtill it in Balneo, and there will come forth a Spirit, and at laſt an Oil, ſeparate the one from the other, and rectifie the Spirit. Set the Oil again in putrefaction forty dayes, and then diſtill it. The feces that are left after the firſt Diſtillation will yeeld a volatile ſalt, which must be extracted without Calcination, with the flegm of the Spirit, purifie it well, then impregnate the Salt with its Spirit, and digeſt them, then adde the Oil, and digeſt them together till they become a red powder, which you may uſe as it is, or elſe ſet it in a cellar till it be diſſolved into a liquor, and a few drops thereof will doe as aboveſaid.
TAke weak Spirit of Wine, diſtill it in a veſſell of a long neck, then pour on this Spirit again upon the flegm, diſtill it again, doe this ſeverall times, and you ſhall ſee the oil of the Wine ſwim on the flegm, which flegm you muſt ſeparate from the oil by a tunnell.