Take Hony, Salt melted, of each a pound, of the ſtrongeſt Spirit of Vineger two pound; digeſt them for the space of a fortnight, or more, then diſtill them in aſhes, Cohobate the Liquor upon the feces three or four times, then rectifie the ſpirit.
Note that they muſt be done in a large Glaſs-gourd.
This is of the fame vertue as the former, if not more powerfull.
Take of the beſt rectified ſpirit of Wine, with which imbibe the ſtrongeſt unflaked Lime, untill they be made into a paſt; then put them into a Glaſs-gourd and diſtill off the ſpirit in aſhes: This Spirit pour on more freſh Lime, and doe as before, doe this three or four times, and thou ſhalt have a very ſubtile Spirit able to diſſolve moſt things, and to extract the vertue out of them.
Take Oil Olive, Honey, rectified Spirit of Wine, of each a pint, diſtill them all together in aſhes, then ſeparate all the flegm from the Oils, which will be diſtinguiſhed by many colours, put all theſe colours into a Pellican, and adde to them the third part of the Eſſence of Balm, and Sallendine, digeſt them for the ſpace of a month. Then keep it for uſe.
This Liquor is ſo ſubtile that it penetrateth every thing.
Take a Gallon of ſmall Aqua vitæ, put it into a Glaſs veſſell; put thereto a quart of Canary Sack, two pound of Raiſins of the Sun ſtoned, but not waſhed, two ounces of Dates ſtoned, and the white skins thereof pulled out, two ounces of Cinnamon groſſely bruiſed, four good Nutmegs bruiſed, an ounce of the beſt Engliſh Licoriſh ſliced, and bruiſed, ſtop the veſſels very