Of the Art of Diſtillation.
cloſe, and let them infuſe in a cold place fix or eight dayes, then let the Liquor runne through a bagge called Manica Hippocratis made of white Cotten.
This Liquor is commonly uſed in ſurfeits, being a good Stomach water.
Aqua Celeſtis is made thus.
Take of
- Cinamon
- Cloves
- Nutmegs
- Ginger
- Zedoary
- Galangall
- Long-Pepper
- Citron-pill
- Spicknard
- Lignum-aloes
- Cububs
- Cardamums
- Calamus aromaticus
- Germander
- Ground-pine
- Mace
- White Frankincenſe
- Tormentill
- Hermodactyls
- the pith of Dwarf Elder
- Juniper berries
- Bay-Berries
- the ſeeds and flowers of Motherwort
- the ſeeds of Smallage
- the ſeeds of„ Fennell
- the ſeeds of„ Aniſe
- the leaves of Sorrell
- the leaves of„ Sage
- the leaves of„ Fel-wort
- Roſemary
- Marjoram
- Mints
- Penny-royall
- Stechados
- the flowers of Elder
- the flowers of„ Roſes red
- the flowers of Roſes„ white
- of the leaves of Scabious
- Rue
- the leſſer Moonwort
- Egrimonie
- Centory
- Fumitary
- Pimpernell
- Sow-thiſtle
- Eye-bright
- Mayden-hair
- Endive
- Red Saunders
- Aloes, of each two ounces
- Pure Amber
- the beſt Rhubarb, of each two Drams
- dryed Figges
- Raiſins of the Sun
- Dates, ſtoned
- Sweet-Almonds
- Graines of the Pine, of each an ounce.