Of the Art of Diſtillation.
Of the beſt Aqua vitæ to the quantity of them all, of the beſt hard Sugar a pound, of white Honey half a pound, then adde
- the root of Gentian
- flowers of Roſemary
- Pepperwort,
- the root of Briony
- Sowbread
- Wormwood, of each half an ounce.
Now before theſe are diſtilled, quench gold being made red hot, oftentimes in the foreſaid water, put therein orientall Pearls beaten ſmall an ounce, and then diſtill it after twenty foure houres infuſion.
This is a very Cordiall water, good againſt faintings and infection.
Aqua imperialis is made thus.
Take of
- the rind of Citrons dryed
- the rind of„ Oranges.
- Nutmeg
- Cloves
- Cinnamon, of each two ounces.
- the roots of Flower-de-luce
- the roots of„ Cyprus
- the roots of„ Calamus aromaticus
- the roots of„ Zedoary
- the roots of„ Galingal
- the roots of„ Ginger, of each half a pound
- Of the tops of Lavender
- Of the tops of„ Roſemary, of each two handfull
- the leaves of the Bay-tree
- the leaves of„ Marjoram
- the leaves of„ Balm
- the leaves of„ Mints
- the leaves of„ Sage
- the leaves of„ Thyme
- flower of Roſes white
- flower of Roſes„ Damask,
- of each half a handfull
- Roſe water four pintsthe