Page:The Art of Preserving Health - A Poem in Four Books.djvu/52

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The ART of
B. II.

Or thirsty Lybia; from whose fervid loins
320The lion bursts, and every fiend that roams
Th' affrighted wilderness. The mountain herd,
Adust and dry, no sweet repast affords;
Nor does the tepid main such kinds produce,
So perfect, so delicious, as the stores
325Of icy Zembla. Rashly where the blood
Brews feverish frays; where scarce the tubes sustain
Its tumid fervor and tempestuous course;
Kind nature tempts not to such gifts as these.
But here in livid ripeness melts the grape;
330Here, finish'd by invigorating suns,
Thro' the green shade the golden Orange glows
Spontaneous here the turgid Melon yields
A generous pulp; the Coco swells on high
With milky riches; and in horrid mail
335The soft Ananas wraps its tender sweets.
Earth's vaunted progeny: In ruder air
