Page:The Art of Preserving Health - A Poem in Four Books.djvu/53

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B. II.
Preserving HEALTH.

Too coy to flourish, even to proud to live;
Or hardly rais'd by artificial fire
To vapid life.Here with a mother's smile
340Glad Amalthea pours her copious horn.
Here buxom Ceres reigns: Th' autumnal sea
In boundless billows fluctuates o'er their plains.
What suits the climate best, what suits the men,
Nature profuses most, and most the taste
345Demands. The fountain, edg'd with racy wine
Or acid fruit, bedews their thirsty souls.
The breeze eternal breathing round their limbs
Supports in else intolerable air:
While the cool Palm, the Plantain, and the grove
350That waves on gloomy Lebanon, assuage
The torrid hell that beams upon their heads.
Now come, ye Naiads, to the fountains lead;
Now let me wander thro' your gelid reign.

I burn