Page:The Bangladesh Gazette, July 6, 1972.pdf/14

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is appointed to act as Assistant


902 i l ‘ ."rt‘nz BANGLADESH GAZEI'I‘E. JULY 6, 1972


[Paar I

No. S-lll/SA-3/72/43‘2p—24th Juno l972—Mr Man. 7

bub K'tbir, ,SUdeViilOllllI Officer. Feni, is appointed to net as Administrator, Fcni Poura Sirnvu, Non- khnli,‘in addition to his own dutiei, with effect from the 3rd April I972.

J By order of the President

M. A. ALIM Section Olficcr.


No. S-IV/3P-256/7ol39l—~20th June l972—Mr A. K. M. Khurshed Alum, Circle Offiser (Develnpmcnt), Kotwnli. Jessore. is hereby transferred to Chittagong Division and posted at P-ltlya. Chitin C'ng, vice Mr Md. Aynul Haque, Circle Ofliccr ( chlopmentl, Pittiya, Chittagong, transferred.

2. Mr Md. Aynul I'quuc. Circle Ofiiecr (Develop- ment), Patiya. Chittagong, is hereby transferred to Khuzza Division and posted at Kolwnli, Jessore, vice Mr A. K. M. Klturshed Alan). Circle Officer (Developmmt), Kotwnli, Jessorc. transferred.

“No. S-lV/3P-33/‘70;'402—-20th June l972—Mr S. A.

Mntin. Circle Officer (D;v:lupment), Rupgonj, Decca, is grant;d leave on average pay for one month 28lduys with effect from the 6th January I972 to th; 4th March 1972. under rule 3(I)(b)(it') of the Prescrib:d Leave Rules, 1959.

No. S«IV:IA-4f72/4IO—2|st June 1972—Mr Khan Amir Ali, Deputy Magistrate and Deputy Collector, Chittagong. whose 5ch cos have been. p:cd at the disposal of this Ministry, vide Ministry of

~.Cabiuet Mi” irs, Esttllishment Division‘s notifica-‘ ’fion No. EDl’JI.27,f72-760, dated the 2nd June l972, Director, Rural Development and Secretary, Zi.ln Board, Daoca.

No. .S—IV/lA-4/72f4ll—let June 1972—Mr Abdul Kader Munshi, Deputy it agistrate and Deputy Collector. know. whose services haVe been placed atjthe‘ disposal of this Ministry, vide Min'stry of Cabinet Affairs, Establishment Division’s notlfication No.ED.‘JI-27/72-76l. dated the 2nd June 1972, is appointed to act as Assistant Director, Rural Development and Secretary, Zilla Board, Bakerganj.

,No. S-N/SPo32/70/424—22nd June 1972—Mr Siraj- ,uddin Ahmrd. ex-Ctrtle Otficer (Develtpment), jgndia, Mymensingh, is gr nled leave on average pay'f; 2 months 29 days with effect fr 111 the lfhhAugust 1971 to tie 14th November 1971 and leave: on half—:veragc piy f ‘r 2 months 12 days withefl’ect from the 15th Novemter 197] to the 26'h' Ifnuary‘ 1972, under rt les 3g])(b)(ii) and (b)(r‘it') o£ the ,Pre'crlbed Leave Rules, 1 59.

No. S-IV/3P499/70f425—23rd June 1972—Mr Ali Ahmad Choudhury, Circle Officer (Development), Patnitala, Rajshuhi, now under order of retirement, was granted have on average pay for 11 months with

effect {ruin the In February 197! to the 3151 Decem- “ ber 1971 by conversion of 1 year 10 months’ leave on half-average pay under rule 3(1)(b)(i!) of the Prescribed Leave Rules, 1959.

By order of‘ the President

M. D. HOSSAIN Section Officer.

(Rural Development and Ctr-operative Division) Cooperative Section NOTIFICATIONS

No. Co-on—i/IL-6I723335—23rd June ‘1972-Mr Obsidur Rnhman, Deputy Registrar of Cooperative Societies, Government of Bangladesh. is allowed leave on full average pay for three, months and fiftxn days from the ,3rd June 1972 to thg 17th September 1972 and in continuation thereof ‘lenVe on half-average pay for five months from the lSlh Sep— temhcr l972 to l7th February 1973, undefimles 3(I)(I;)(ii) and 3(I)(b)tiii) of "the Prescribed Lento Rules, 1959, prepxutory to retirement.

He Is permitted to retire'from Government service on exrtry of leave.

No. Co—ori-l/lA-26/72/336—23rd June_ l972—Mr A. K. M. Faruque, Assistant Registrar of Co- operative Societies (Credit and Marketing), Chitta- gong Division. Chittagong. is transferred and p sled to set. until further orders, as Assistant Registrar of Co-oper:tive Societies, Noakhali, with headquarters at Mtijdi Court,

This cancels notification No. Co-op-l/l A-261‘72f227, dated lst June 1972 transferring him as Assis ant Registrar of Cooperative SOcictics (Development), Sylhet. i

This transfer is in the interest of public service.

i r -

No. Co-op-l/lA-26/72/337—23rd June l972-’-MrA. RM. Mauzzem Hoss‘rin, Assistantchistrar ofCo-ope- rative Susieties, Credit and Marketing, Rzijshahi Divi- sion, Raj shahi is transferred and posted to act, until fur- ther orders, as Assistant Registrar of Cofoperative- Societies, Credit and Marketing with headquarters at Rangpur. ‘

This cancels notification No. CO-Op-lllA-26172/224, dated lst June 1972 transferring Mr Abdus Sartar Ahmed, Assistant Registrar 'of Co-operativesocieries, Industries, Raj hahi Division, Rajshahi, as Assistant Registrar of Co-operative Sociejes (Development), Rangrur as also notification No..Co—op-l/lA—26i72/ 225, dttod the lst June 1972 transferfinngA.P.M. Moazzcrn Hossain as AssistantRegistrar of Co-opera- tive Societies (DeveloPment); .Rajshahi.

This transfer is in the interest at public service.

By ‘torde‘r of the President S.‘ M. MISBAHUL ISLAM Section Ofim. A




No. III!IG-376,l72/211—20th June 1972— n partial modificatim of his Ministry’s not! cation No. mite-3761178, datedthe 17th May 1972.. Mr Aolad Ht ssain, Chief ’Engineer,‘ Irrigation Direc- torate. Government of Bangladesh, has been allowed? leave for 42 diys on ayer‘ge p"y with efi'ct from the 4th April 197240 the. l5th_ May 1972,35 per 3(1)(b)(ii) or the Prescribed “Leave Rules, 1959, preparatory to retirement. ‘ ' ’

The officer has been permitted to retire: from Government service from theJoth May 1972, fire- noon.