Page:The Bangladesh Gazette, July 6, 1972.pdf/15

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‘ me BANGLADESH Guerrerww 6,"1972 ' ‘ 903

  1. 7

No. mllG-264/7l/2l3—22nd June I972—-Mr Lutfor Rnlunun, Executch Engineer, Rajshahi Irri- gutlon Division. has been allowed one month 24 days' leave; on‘nvernge pay with rfl'cct from the l7tl1 May I972. to the 10th July 1972, as per 3(l)(b) (ii) of the‘ Prescribed Leave Rules, 1959.

By order of the President

M. LUTFULLAl-IIL MAJID Deputy Secretary.


Law Division Section I NOTIFICATION

No. 432-],udl. I/4H-2/72—l9th June I972—ln exer- cise of the powers conferred by section 14 and proviso to section 357 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1898 (Act V of 1898), Government are pleased to confer upon Mr Shamsuddin Ahmed Choudhury the power of the Magisnatc. lstClztss. in the district of Dinajpur far a further period of one year with efl'ect from the 18th May 1971. in respect of such cases as my be made over to him sitting at Dinajpur within the jurisdiction of the Dinajpur sadnr subdivision of the said district.

By order of the Government '

M. N. 11. KHAN ‘Joint Secretary.

. NofiFICATION .No. mm. 11411-1 172—23rd June 1972—111 Cler-

‘eiserof? the powers CODfefI'Cd by Section 14 and the -

proviso “to section 357 of the Code of Criminal Procedure; 1893 (Act V of 1898). the Government isfpleased to confer upon Mr Aftab HoSSain, B. L., the p Jivch of a Magistrate of the let Class in the d'stict of Bogra for a further pe.iod of one year with cfi‘xt from the 14h June 1972 in ree- .pect of’5such7cases as may be made .over to him sitting within the limits of the said district.

By order of the Government

'A. P. SHAMSUR KAI-{MAN Deputy Secretary.


Lew (Judicial) Division Section 1V V " NOTIFICATIONS

L No. 672-JIV/2N-3ll72—19th June ‘1972—In exercise of the‘pqwu conferred rby‘sectian 3 -f the Bengal 'Muhammadan Marriages Divorces. Registration Act, 1876 (Bengal Act Id 1876) and in supc session of all previous notifications on this subject. the Go. Vernmcnt is. pleased to IPlent AMr Md. Imamuddin, Nikha Registrar :to be a Mohammedan Divorce Re 'étrar withfm' the jurisdiction over the Union of Gathata -un'der "P. S. 'Nazrrpur in the district 0! Tengeil. . . . ,

No.673-JIV/2N-3li72-49th June I972—In exercise of the power conferred by section 2 of Qunzi'e Act, l880 (XII of H380) and in superrcssion of all previous notifications on this subject. the Cavern- ment is pleased to applifi Mr Md. Imamiddin, Nikah Registrar to be the Ounzi for the celebration of marriages and the pcrformnnCc of other rites and ceremonies with the juri-diction of tie Union of Gnihula under P. S. Naganpur in the district of Tnngnil.

By order of the Government A. F. SHAMSUR RAHMAN

Deputy Secretary.



No. ‘SA-236/72/248—20th June l972—Mr 8.8. Choudhuri, Member, Board of Revenue, Bangladesh. was apromted to act, until further orders, as Commissioner of State Purchase under section 48 (I) of the East Bcngil State Acquisition and Tenancy Act, 1950. in addition to his OWn duties, withch from the 22nd April I972.

By order of the President M. A. TAHER



‘ N0. SA-78/72/25%26th June l972—In exerciseof the power conferred by clausc (24) of section2 cf the East Bengal State Acquisition and Tenancy Act, 1950 (East Bengal Act XXVIII of l951),_ the PrCSi- dent is pleased to appoint Mr A. N. M. Hafizui Islam, Deputy Magistrate and Deputy Co‘lcctor, to discharge. in the districts of Faridpur and Kushtia, the functions of a Revenue-officer under se’tion 144 of the said Act and the rules made thereunder,” far as they relate to the preparation or revision of record-of-rights inthe said districts.

(2) The President is further pleased to appoint the said officer as Assistant Settlement Officer for the aforesaid purposes.

By order of the Pre ident M. H. MALLICK

Joint Secretary.


No. SA-80/72/258—24th June 1972—In exercise of , the power conferred by clause (24) of section 2 of the East Bengal State AcquiSition and Tcnarcy Act, 1950 (East Bengal Act XVIII of I951), the: PMidcl'I; is plensod to appoint the undermentioned Settlement Kanungos, to discharge, in the districts of KLshtia', Pabna, B gra and Rangpur the functions of :1 Revenue Officer under s‘ction I44 of the said not and the rules made theredndcr, so far as they relate to the preparation or revision of record-of-right in

I the said districts. .t

I'he President is further pleased to appoint th;

32nd oliimrs as Assistant Settlement Officers for the aforesaid purposes:

(1) Mr Md. Najeb Ali Khan. (2) Mr Md. Youuouf.

By order of the President _S. A. KARIM Section Oficer.